Lauren did it! She managed to have a great surprise party for Reesie. And the best part is that it actually WAS a surprise to Reesie. When Reesie entered into the back yard, the wheels were obviously spinning overtime. Why all the food? Why all the family and friends? Why was everybody hiding in the corner waiting to scream, "Surprise!"?
I think the photo speaks to the fact that Reesie was legitimately taken aback by the festivities planned in her honor and unbeknownst to her. Reesie deserved a great bash. She's always putting herself out for everybody else and outdoing herself to make sure that everybody else's needs are met. Reesie surely deserved to have a fun day dedicated entirely to her.
One of my favorite moments of the party was Reesie's actual arrival. We spent so much time prompting Al to scream, "Surprise, Reesie!" that she started screaming it at the top of her lungs at the mere mention of Reesie's pending arrival. The only problem was, of course, that we didn't want her screaming it as Reesie walked up to the door. We had to contain our excitement until such time as she actually physically opened the gate and crossed the threshold. I had to take it upon myself to make a game of hiding behind the chair and jumping out to surprise Reesie. I love the above picture. Notice Al in the lower left hand corner of the frame. She was not going to waste a single second in getting to Reesie to welcome her to her own party!

Here is a picture of the girls partying it up. You see Julie, yours truly and Reesie. The only shocking thing about this photo is that only reesie is holding a beer. I'm sure Julie and I had booze, too, but it was just on the table in the background.

Here is a lovely shot of Sweet Caroline enjoying the party. I just have to go on record as saying that Caroline is getting so FREAKIN' cute. Of course she has always been cute. She's a baby; that's her job. But seriously, this little bugger is getting cuter and cuter with each passing second. I seriously cannot take how cute she is!
As if she understood just how adorable she is, here she is, peeking at Auntie from the carriage with a big grin on her face!

And just to continue both the busy weekend and the cute Caroline threads, here is a picture of Easter Bunny Caroline on Easter Sunday. As I said, this kid could not get any cuter!!!!!

Today was marathon Monday. I know Lauren posted that she hates Marathon Monday. I have to understand, I don't understand what would make a person put themselves through the agony, but I have a tremendous amount of respect for the runners. Stephen took the day off. We took an extremely long walk this morning, and then came back to enjoy the view of the Marathon from his living room window. His 6th floor window looks right out over the race course. We get to go out there, cheer on the runners, and warm up in his place and/or use his nice, clean bathroom. What could be better? It is always fun. The guy pictured above just gained his US citizenship recently and was trying his darndest to win the marathon for the US, but he came in second, to a Kenyan runner. It is cool, though, because we saw all the elite runners pass, as well as the seemingly endless parade of "non-elite" runners.
Even though my bus route was altered and I had to walk 1.5 miles to get the bus to head back to Cambridge, I have to say that I just can't begrudge the Boston Marathon.
As an aside, the guy who won the marathon, a Kenyan, is 6'2" and weighs in at 134 pounds. I just want the record to show that I weighed 134 pounds at birth.
Great post, great pics! You guys sure know how to par-tay! And what's up with the babies and small children? They are hogging up all the cuteness. There's only so much cuteness to go around, you know.
Oh my Gosh !! The girls are too too cute! I must see them in person!!! Glad that Reesie was really surprised! Looks like you guys had a blast!
After healing from my broken ribs this year I'll have to shoot for another time to run Boston .. hey the older I get the easier it gets to qualify! I think I'll shoot for a personal best at "50" !!
Look how cute YOU Look !!! Looks like it was a nice day too !
Looks like a great party.
You're right, that kid is too cute. Tell her to stop hogging all the cuteness.
I weighed 134 when I was 11, maybe.
It was so weird when I scrolled down to the pic after Caroline (which was really cute)because all the pics beforehand were of the party then I see this black dude and all I could think of is, "When did he come to the party?".
Big News on The Bon Jovi front, they are coming to Foxboro on July 27. The tix go on sale Sat am but the tickets are way over priced!
6'2" and 134 pounds... Doesn't that prove that running isn't healthy? I think so.
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