Aufwiedersehen, Bryce.
The task this week, write a jingle for Arby's all natural chicken breast, was difficult. I say this because I think most of us can figure out how to make phone calls, arrange seating and greet customers, such as most of "The Donald Trump Show" tasks require. This jingle, thing, however, is a whole different ball of wax.
You've got to be really creative and, hopefully, have at least one person on the team who knows something about music. Or, at the very least, one person who is not competely tone deaf. I don't think I could pull off the task of writing a catchy little tune about Arby's "all natural" chicken breast...or anything else for that matter. Although, if I were even remotely excited about a product, perhaps I might become more invested in the task.
But Arby's?

Christ, that place is a dump!!
Anyway, Bryce took over as project manager. Much to my surprise, he convened a little meeting of his team to discuss the issue of tensions between teammates and the importance of casting those tensions aside in order to stay focused and procure a win.
Anyway, both teams worked away with minimal drama and tension. The only thing that seemed to plague Bryce's team was Lenny's complete lack of participation. He claimed to have no knowledge of what a jingle is. Reesie's husband, the gorgeous Bill Rancic, called Lenny out on this point, citing the fact that Lenny has made his home in the United States for the past 14 years and "surely must have heard a jingle or two in that time." Way to dig down to the truth, Bill! Lenny further leaned on his crutch of limited English to justify his lack of participation, claiming that he is unable to rhyme in English. I actually have to add, as an aside, that through personal experience, I don't care how good you get with a second language, rhyming is a really difficult skill to master in a foreign tongue.
Anyway, I digress.
Lee was on hiatus again, this time to observe Yom Kipur. I understand that this is probably the most serious of the Jewish holidays, so although it sucked for his team, his absence is perfectly justifiable.
In the end, the only discernable difference in the two jingles was that Bryce et. al., failed to mention that Arby's is the only dump at which one can consume this disgusting, supposedly all natural chicken concoction, whereas the other team did make mention of this fact. On those grounds, Bryce and the gang bought themselves a ticket on the express train to the boardroom.
In the boardroom, Bryce made a couple of massive mistakes.
1. He brought Lee into the boardroom. If Bryce is such an established business world denizen, he should know that you NEVER attack a person for their religious practices, even if you do feel, deep down, that the person is trying to take the easy way out. What ever happened to the notion of P.C.? Isn't that still "a la mode" in the business world? Trump didn't like the fact that Lenny was brought in for having observed the Jewish holiday. Bryce should have remembered that Trump had a go at Lenny a few weeks for being critical of Dan and Lee when they observed anothew Jewish holiday and didn't partake of the task. Even back then, Trump advocated for their right to practice their religion as they saw fit, and even heralded his own assistant, George's decision to remove himself from his work obligations for the day in order to observe the holiday. Even Lenny, who had badmouthed the Dan and Lee on the last holiday, learned to keep his mouth shut, saying nothing this time around. I can't believe Bryce didn't keep that in mind as he pulled Lee into the boardroom.
2. Bryce truely lived up to his name (read past comments about my feelings about people named Bryce) by being flippant and sarcastic with Trump. He kept cutting Trump off and speaking loudly over him. Not a good idea. Actually, at one point, Donald asked, "Bryce, are you saying that I should fire Lee for taking a Jewish holiday?" At this point, Bryce put his full grimmace on and in a tone oozing with sarcasm replied, "Yeah, right, Mr. Trump. That's EXACTLY what I think." Damn, bitch. You better watch how you speak to the Donald!
However, I don't think Trump was all in the right here, either. Even Trump can make mistakes.
1. I was very surprised that Trump kept insisting that the women and Tarek should have been in the room. Even though their jingle did not win, had it not been for them, no jingle would have even been forthcoming.
2. Lenny should have been canned. His survival of that boardroom will send the message that all you need to do is feign lack of comprehension of the task, and you'll not be held accountable for the failture. I just don't get how Trump was trying to go gunning for the only people who, as far as I can tell, actually did any work.
Anyway, I earned enough points in Reesie's game to hoist myself into 3rd place. Fingers crossed that I picked wisely for next week's episode.
Now, off to work out and get myself prepped to watch "The Amazing Race" tonight!!
I was at work, had some emergencies, what's up with That!!! sooo I missed the jingles and only saw the boardroom! The only way I can get points is to guess early on so I can get the 50% bonus!
oh my GOD!! i cannot imagine in ANY sense that Donald Freaking Trump is an actual patron of Arby's! Pleeeeeeeeease!! that place is a DIVE!!!!!
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