Ok, most of my faithful readers know that driving has been a great source of angst for me over the years. I have had my license for years, but have never really truly embraced the concept of driving.
I see 90 year old women out there driving, and I know that if they can do it, I can do it. That is my rational side speaking. And yet, I keep thinking of all these horrible things that can happen with me behind the wheel. I guess I worry more about the harm I can inflict upon other people, much more so than the harm I could do to myself.
But, this is it, kids. I have decided to take this bull by the horns. I have signed up for two driving lessons ("refresher courses") for next week. I have also joined Zipcar. I just got my zip card in the mail today and after speaking with Stephen, who has offered his full-fledged support of my driving endeavors, I took the dive into my first Zipcar reservation. My two "refresher course" driving lessons are taking place next week, Monday and Thursday. I have just reserved a 3 hour driving block with a car that has intrigued both of us for some time now, the Scion Xb, pictured above.
I am taking it out next Saturday from 2-5. If you know what's good for you, you will try very hard to be off the road at that point in time.
Wish me luck!!
I am going to become a "driver', come hell or high water.
Happy Driving, Nants!! I hope you like it!!!
That is sooo cool! Can't wait to hear your stories!
I'm sure there will be a story or two to be told!! If I survive to do the telling, that is. Maybe the newscasters and the police report will have to narrate what I'm no longer around to recount!!
That blows me away! You're able to survive without driving? For all this time? Amazing. That would never happen out here in the wild, wild West. I'm a little jealous of your public transportation network, if you must know. I guess the grass is always greener...
You are so right, Juanita. I guess we are lucky here in Boston, because even though the public transport can really suck, at least we have a pretty OK network.
Toot toot chugga chugga big red car! Before long you'll be super agressive behind the wheel! Yay!
(now get the hell out of my way)
Any Friday-w/e beer blog this w/e?
You do have competition out there.
just dont use the phone while driving (my biggest pet peeve). I saw this bumper sticker the other day. It said "put down the phone and drive" Meanwhile, the driver was eating a big huge roast beef (looked like a Kelly's wrapper) while operating the vehicle. What's worse? Isn't that just as distracting?
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