I am honestly surprised that Lauren has not blogged about this. I think the concept of "Six Degrees of Tony Danza" needs to be brought to the public, so I'm picking up the torch and undertaking the task of informing you myself. Although, that said, please remember that right from the very beginning, I gave Lauren credit for this and heretofore promise to cede any and all royalties which may result from her marvelous concept.
A brief background..
It all started when Lauren was watching a little daytime television. You'd be surprised, I think, to know that although through the week she is a stay at home mom, Lauren rarely has time to watch anything on TV at all. Well, other moms would not be surprised, but people without kids always think being a stay at home mom is so easy. Anyway, that's a discussion for another day.
She was watching TV and she was incredulous at the fact that Tony Danza has his own talk show. Yes, it is true. This atrocity has been inflicted on the viewing public for a couple of years now, I think. The only time I saw it, Danza had some skateboard champs on the show, and when he attempted to ride along with them during one segment of the show, he fell off the thing and landed right on his ass. You could tell he was a. pissed, b. in pain, c. embarrassed as hell and, d. dying for the show to end. Come to think of it, I was also dying for the show to end. I would have changed the channel, but I was too amused by Danza's humiliation to do anything of the like.
Anyway, Lauren continued to ponder Danza and his lackluster career long after seeing the show. She began to ask herself, "Hmm..what else has Danza been in, in the years between Taxi and this hideous show?" She was surprised at just how many films and shows Danza has been in. She actually even adapted the popular, "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game to "Six Degrees of Tony Danza."
She has been laying down Danza challenges for me over the past few weeks, but normally I flounder under the pressure. I realize, normally, that after going through about 67 actors and 134 movies and shows that I'm just not going to get there. I can usually fudge my way through a round of "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" because that dude's been in "Apollo 13" with Tom Hanks, and what the hell has Tom Hanks NOT been in? If you can get the original actor back to Hanks within a couple of degrees of separation, you're all set.
The Danza thing isn't so easy, considering his trainwreck of a career.
Anyway, on Reesie's Apprentice Fantasy Game board last week, Lauren threw down the "Six Degrees of Tony Danza" gauntlet and challenged us to link Tarek, of this season's "Donald Trump Show", to Tony Danza. I did it..and rather easily...and I posted my findings on the App-Reese-tice message board, but I have received no props or shout-outs. I expect this to be fully rectified with abundant shout-outs and props right here on my blog!
OK...so here goes the lineage...
1. Tarek is on the "Donald Trump Show" with Trump, himself.

2. Trump was married to Ivana Trump..

3. Ivana Trump appeared in "The First Wives Club" with Bette Middler. (Because I HATE Middler, I will not be placing a picture of her here..)

4. Middler was in "Ruthless People" with Danny deVito

5. And, of course, DeVito and Danza played together in the popular hit series, "Taxi."
There, bitches. Five steps!
And yes, marriages do count in this game, because, as I said, with Danza's limited career, you really have to stretch to get there sometimes!!
Damn! Impressive. I shall not attempt since I would certainly fail. You hate Bette? Really? OK, I used to kinda hate her too, but then my mom gave me tickets to her show here in KC and it was really good. Give the old gal a chance.
you scooped me!! great job though on the tarek link...how about your pal phil from the amazing race...i know you can do it!!
How does your brain work so smoothly! I think that after Blaise, well I just use him as my excuse, I've been short wired in the cranium!!
I am so bummed that you stole my furture post for this weekend while I work. I save my blogs for my "on the clock" time. I was purposely saving my Danza Bonanza for when I could figure out how to post pics because that makes it so fun :(
Without cheating online, get Vanessa Redgrave back to Danza. The challenge is on.
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