I know this observation is hardly unoriginal, but I just HAVE to point out the fact that time passes so much faster over the weekend than it does during the work week. I suppose that if I worked weekends and had, say, Wednesday and Thursday off, I would complain that Wednesday and Thursday passed by at break-neck speed.
Again, this observation is hardly earth shattering, and highly unlikely to drive physicist Stephen Hawking to try to court me into collaboration on his next tome on quantum physics, but still.....the "Mach Speed Weekend Theory" never ceases to amaze me.
Anyway, I digress.
As usual.
Stephen and I went to his parents' place in New Hampshire this weekend. As always, the visit was pleasant and relaxing. We took a walk around a beautiful lake and just soaked in the glorious sunshine and warmth. It was really lovely.
As pathetic as it is to admit, all I could think of was getting a nice, cold beer down my gullet. I know, I know, I had my Jever the night before, but there was something slightly skunky about the beer and I didn't even finish a whole bottle. I was actually really in the mood for one of the light, smooth, clean Asian beers. To that end, when we stopped in at the packie on the way home, I grabbed a six pack of the Thai beer, Singha, as soon as I spotted it.

The Signha did not disappoint. It was exactly what I had been craving. Crisp. Light. Delicious. I drank 3 of 'em! Ahhh, Singha! Sweet nectar of the gods.
We also rented "Saw II" just for shits and giggles. We had seen the first one and were mildly entertained by it. We both decided that a stupid horror film was what the evening called for. Stephen had to live park while I ran in for the movie, so we had to decide on what I would get before I even went in. Otherwise, I've been known to spend hours looking through the new releases. Because we were tired of being in the car and the traffic was kind of heavy, thus rendering the live parking thing rather difficult and inconvenient, we quickly decided on "The Saw II." I have to admit, we enjoyed it. It was actually better than the first one. There was more action, and there were many more characters. The plot twists were actually even stranger than in the first one. I recommend it for the laugh.
Today was interesting.
I took a really long walk from Stephen's place over to the Healthworks Gym in Brookline. I belong to the gym in Cambridge, but I decided that since I was in Brookline, I would visit that gym just for a change of pace.
Let me just say that I am totally insulted to be charged the same amount of money for my membership in Cambridge as these people pay in Brookline. The Brookline Gym looks like something you'd see in freakin' architectural digest, and there are about double the number of exercise machines. The nautilus circuit is at least twice as long and there are some awesome arm machines that the Cambridge club does not have. I suppose the class schedule in Cambridge is a lot more extensive, but still...the fact that the membership fee is the same is ridiculous. According to a woman at the Brookline club, the club in Chestnut Hill puts even Brookline to shame. I had better never go to Chestnut Hill because I'd just end up way too depressed.

Anyway, I'm sitting here listening to a bunch of U2 songs on my Rhapsody. I know these guys can be overly political and what have you, but I still love 'em!
I hear you. This weekend went by WAY too quickly. The same thing happens in June, July and August...ultra high speed time warp. I wish May would pass by so quickly.
(we're so lucky to be in education...can you imagine working with only two weeks per year of vacation??? Can you???? Me neither)
Yes...Singha is a great beer...nicely done!
I love U2, especially the old school stuff. I just get tired of Bono's rants. They are endless and serioulsy, when you think of going to a U2 concert with your friends and you've had a few in ya, who wants to hear about all this political stuff? What can I do to change the world? I live pay check to pay check and I just spent my last 200 on a ticket for your show. Enough with the world peace crap. Just bust into "I Will Follow".
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