I love April vacation. I just absolutely love it. My favorite part about it is the fact that, for the most part, the weather is tolerable and I'm highly motivated to spend time outside, walking around or just hanging out. We've had a couple of really beautiful days this week, too. The perfect week for April vacation.
I've managed to get some shopping done. I am pretty desperate for Spring clothes. I found some great buys at H&M.

I've been very pleased to see the arrival of H&M stores to the United States. They've been here for a couple of years now. When I lived in Germany, I bought clothing exclusively at H&M. This was not necessarily because they had the nicest clothing available, but rather because they were the only store I could afford. The clothing runs the gamet at that place. There are some very funky, Euro type clothes that NOBODY looks good in. But, if you search long enough, you can come upon some great clothes for work and play. I picked up 3 skirts and 2 shirts for 90 dollars.
Of course, if you're going to shop at H&M, you have to go into it with a positive attitude, plenty of time to spare, and lots and lots of patience. Because the bargains can be so outrageous at H&M, the lines to the fitting rooms are miles and miles long. Then, the lines at the cash register are even longer. When I went to the one in downtown Boston this week, I waited for over 20 minutes to get to the fitting room, and then for another 25 or 30 minutes to pay at the registers. I found another cute skirt on the way out of the fitting room, and since I could not be bothered to wait again to try it on, I just bought it. Of course, it looks terrible, so I have to bring it back. I am on my way out to do that now.
Anyway, back to the whole April vacation thing...
April vacation beats all the others. Again, the weather is nice and the sun is shining bright and early, which motivates me to get out of bed early to get a good start on the day.
I loved going for coffee at 8 or 9 in the morning, and seeing all the other customers, dressed in their work clothes, waiting for their morning cup o' joe. It is always entertaining to hear these people complain about it being so early. Jesus. Normally by that time of the morning, I've already put out abouto 5 fires in my 7th grade homeroom, and taught an entire geography lesson.
I love being out at around noon and seeing all the people walking around and enjoying their lunch breaks. Is this how real people really live? I mean, I get a 25 minute lunch period every day, but by the time I've helped somebody find their lost lunch tickets, fielded a parent phone call or two, and quelled a food riot in the cafeteria, I have about 6 seconds to eat my lunch. Going out in the sunlight during the middle of the day would never even be a possibility for me.
I just love being free as a bird during the day to see how real people live. I know that sounds kind of silly, but teaching is such a strange job! Sure, I'm out earlier than any of the people I see enjoying outdoor lunch breaks, but still....I feel like I'm held captive in my school building all day. And if you could see my school, you'd understand my likening it to a prison.
Anyway, this week I have taken advantage of going to the gym during the day. My favorite instructor, Maria, who only teaches during the week, was my new best friend this week. I took every single one of her classes this week. It was awesome! I am still stuck going this evening instead of today, though, as the Friday daytime schedule is crap. But that's fine.
I was at the laundry mat this morning at 7 sharp.
I took care of my busted computer printer. Caught up on emails and phone calls. Had a relaxing time.
I was meant to be arriving in NYC right about this hour, but my friend has conjunctivitis and was not able to travel. No worries. I'll just enjoy another weekend in Boston.
I am totally jealous of your break right now!! I HATE that I've had to be indoors all week! Sorry about your travel plans...you can always venture up to the BETTER 'York' for a visit!! You know you are more than welcome:)
You're right, Reesie. Your York is the better York...hands down!
Sariously...hop on a bus and get up here...the weather is beautiful and I can school you on Gilmore Girls...
We can play hide and seek in the cemetery...old school!!
Don't forget BIG FLAME!
So THAT'S where you've been! Lounging about, soaking up the sun and cashing in on the bargains. I don't know if I could tolerate a 20-minute wait for the dressing room and an even longer wait to pay. After this week, you're practically home free. It can't be long until summer vacation now.
Or can enjoy some leisurley reading at Garfields in the ville (insert hearty Gloria Shaw laugh here :) )
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