First things first.
"Donald Trump Show" episode number one. Lenny gets the sack.

The teams were charged with redesigning a room at a Boys and Girls Club. Both teams were, to borrow a Trump expression, disasters. Neither room looked really great. In the end, Gold rush, headed by Lenny, lost the task. But that hardly means that team Synergy had an easy time of pulling the task off. Michael was proven, through his own stupidity and failure to get things off the ground, to be a completely ineffective leader.
Lenny was a mess. He sat there in utter silence during his meeting with his corporate sponsors, and the music room he designed was way too one-dimensional. This alone might not have been enough to get Lenny fired, but I would be remiss if I did not mention the fact that Lenny was rarely present to oversee the actual execution of the task, opting instead to take a joyride through the city with Lee.
It starts getting pretty pathetic when one of the strongest team players is Tarek. But, in fairness, I have to hand it to Tarek; he was definitely putting his back into the task and trying his hardest to meet the deadline. The girls were helpful, too. Lee both surprised and annoyed me by adopting the position of Lenny's main wing man. What the hell was that all about? He made himself look like an idiot when he told Trump he would have fired Charmaine over Lenny. Again, it must be pointed out that Charmaine was actually working while Lenny was doing nothing. Charmaine isn't the brightest bulb on the branch, but she did far more than Lenny in this task.
As my watch neared the 10:00 hour, it became obvious that the preliminary boardroom was going to be all Trump needed. He fired Lenny on the spot. No need to dick around with further conversation.
I was glad to see Lenny go. He did provide for some good comedy, but his continued presence on the show was unmerited at best. He was sarcastic and rude and didn't believe that he had any obligation to participate in any form of team work. Whenever something failed, he was always looking to pin the blame on somebody else.
I did get a few chuckles out of how rude and abrasive he was in the boardroom, particularly toward Bill. I liked when Bill began to question Lenny on his horrible presentation, and then eventually commented that the presentation really didn't factor as a main reason for the team's loss. To this, Lenny waved his arm toward Bill in a most dismissive fashion and quipped, "Exactly...so why do you keep bringing it up?"
Bill's eyebrow went up at that one, but no further ado was made. Trump proceeded with the business of terminating Lenny.
Onto episode #2.
Bye bye Leslie.

In this episode, teams had to come up with a promotion for the new 7-11 pizz-etta sandwich.
Can I just say that this thing was disgusing? A nasty sandwich pressed between two pieces of over-processed, flavorless, rubber pizza? Yummie.

The main issue at hand was the fact that Leslie overpriced this item by a mile. She wanted 7.99 for one and 8.99 for both. Of course, she was giving away a cooler with the sandwich, but still...people go to 7-11 for the cheapies. This is not freakin' Tavern on the Green, here.
Andrea was the leader for the Gold Rush team. Although I hate the bitch, and I secretly wanted her team to win so that my season pick, Roxanne, would be safe, I would LOVE to see her fail and get canned. She decided to give a hat away with the purchase of the sandwich. Carolyn complained that the hat and the sandwich had no obvious "theme" or connection. I contend that if the teams were looking for something to "go with" the sandwich, they might have thought about giving away a bottle of TUMS with the thing.
Leslie tried to get Lee canned on the grounds that he had left the team high and dry during fever-pitch selling time in order to pursue a deal that ultimately fell through.
In the end, Trump didn't buy it. Leslie was asleep at the wheel for this one and he called her out on the carpet for her piss poor price point decision.
Too bad. I liked Leslie. At least, I liked her better than Lee. That guy is starting to irritate me.
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