Thursday, January 05, 2006

Freak Magnet, Indeed!

In a comment added to my last post, Juanita Sanchez asked me if I'm some kind of freak magnet or something. The answer to that question, in a word, is YES!

She went on to say that in the past several weeks of reading my blog, she has learned that I have more freak encounters in a fortnight than she (than, in fact, most people) have in a lifetime.

There really is very little mystery involved in why so many freaks enter into my life on such a regular basis. You see, while most people get from point A to point B in the privacy of their own vehicles, I get around on foot or by public transportation. This, of course, leaves me open to far more encounters with the freaks of nature and affords me more ample opportunity to be accosted by said freaks.

Yes, it can be annoying, but I have no regrets. I think variety is the spice of life, and in a place like Somerville, there is certainly no shortage of variety. It takes all kinds and I am here to assure you that there certainly ARE all kinds out there!

Anyway, I have to go exercise before going out to meet my friend for dinner. Rather counterproductive, but it is better than going out for dinner after having NOT exercised. Do you see my logic, people?

Anyway, I could tell you stories of past encounters with the freakoids, but why drudge up the past when we all know that there are more "stories" waiting to unfold. Those "stories", my friends, are my life, and I'm happy to tell them as long as there are people like you to read about them!

Peace out, Fools!


Juanita said...

Please! I simply observed that you have an inordinate number of "close encounters of the strange kind." It was my blunt sister that called you a freak magnet. I certainly enjoy your posts, keep 'em coming!

JoviFan said...

I take no offense at being called a "freak magnet." I fully acknowledge and embrace the title!

Anonymous said...

I think it runs in the family. I am surrounded by them where ever I go. Every individual that walks near me feels the need to tell me about things in their life that you wouldn't even tell your shrink. Must be a family gene.