Saturday, January 14, 2006

Suicide Blond...Dyed By My Own Hand

I was getting tired of my frumpy hair color. It had been waaaayyyyy too long since I'd had my "hair did." A week ago, I arranged to have it done this Friday. I had a whole week to get myself mentally prepared for the cost of the foil. Let's face it, they aren't giving doing these things for free.

Anyway, I was ok with it as I didn't forsee the purchase of any big ticket items being necessary in the near future.

Of course, on Thursday, after my MRI, as I was leaving the hospital, I took my phone out to call my friend. I don't know how th hell I managed this, but instead of just dropping the phone (which I have done on many occasions, to no detriment to the phone), I actually lost my grip of the device, causing it to go careening about ten feet straight up in the air, where it executed about 12 very elegant flips, tumbles and cartwheels before it crashed to the floor. I saw this unfolding in slow motion, of course. I was walking on the hard, tile floor, but just a few feet ahead, the carpeted area of the reception space began. I was silently (I think...although I may have actually been rooting aloud) for it to land on the carpet.

But, alas, it did not manage to accomplish in length what it accomplished in height.

After its impressive acrobatic display, the phone crashed to the floor. I picked it up and my worst fears came true. The digital display screen on the phone is completely cracked and busted. Nothing displays. There is no SIM card in there, so I think all my phone number data is lost. But the horn still works for making and taking calls, so I can't complain too much.

The problem, of course, is that I now have to buy a new phone. I know I can get a simple one, but even those are expensive. I don't need a phone capable of accessing the internet, taking pictures, cooking dinner or launching Sputnik. But I also don't want a ghetto phone. I'm not eligible for an upgrade. This will probably set me back a couple hundred.

I almost cancelled my wig appointment, but then I thought better of it. First, I really wanted to get it done. Secondly, the guy had blocked off a good coupe of hours in the middle of his day to do my wig. it would be crappy to cancel on him at the last minute.

So, the above pictures show the before and after. The before is a better shot because of the beer, of course. If I could put the beer in the "after" shot, we'd have the perfect picture. Maybe the new version of iLife will have an iPhoto package capable of such editing. I'll get back to you on that one!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Looks great, love ya as a blonde. I bet you are the smartest blonde alive!

Juanita said...

Let me know if you start having more fun. It looks great! I saw this news story once, where the same girl dyed her hair blonde, then brown. Lots more men approached her when she was blonde. The last time I lightened my hair, my husband swore it looked gray. He was probably just worried about other men approaching his hot blonde wife.

Anonymous said...

Now you gotta color dem eyebrows

JoviFan said...

Naw, the brows stay au natural. Not because I don't believe in dying them...but because I can't be bothered to spend the cash. Ha ha. Plus, I freak out when stuff is near my eyes. I don't think I could do an eye-proximity chemical treatment!!

Mo said...

i had my eyelashes dyed a few times...the burning suuuuucccckkkss!! but it looked cool...the suffering we hot chicks go through!

Anonymous said...

I heard the eyebrows should be darker then the hair, brings out they eyes. You look great.

Anonymous said...

Take the advice from Fwiz. She was the first hand beauty consultant for Hot Fudge Wig and the Infamous "Disco Blazer"! LOL

Anonymous said...

LMS~ true dat!