Sunday, January 15, 2006


It is ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN FREEZING right now! We were spoiled by two or three days of very mild weather, but winter is back to remind us New Englnders who's boss. Yesterday I took a walk wearing capri gym pants and a light fleece. Today I couldn't find enough layers to put on. And even then, any attempt to stay warm was destined to fail even before I walked out the door.

I left my apartment at around 10:00 AM. My plan was to head to the gym. First, I figured, I would walk to Davis Square to get a coffee, and then I'd eventually meander over to the gym. The walk to Davis is about a half hour. The wind was so strong and biting, that I thought it would ultimately be responsible for me abandoning the plans to walk. However, before the wind could even get the better of me, the solid sheets of black ice on the sidewalk helped me make up my mind to hop on the bus. Sure, I missed out on the opportunity to burn a few calories with a walk, but then again, if I fell and broke both of my legs, I'd miss out on many future walks. I honestly could not even gain any solid footing at all on the sidewalk. I cried "UNCLE" and gave up. I do hate the winter, and I'd like to think I could kick its ass, but I'm not stupid. I'm no match for a New England wintery weather spell.

I had my coffee, went to the gym, and then went over to visit with my parents for a while. I also got to see Lauren and Al, which is always a treat. Al and I played with the new toy food I bought her. I was desperately trying to teach her how to say "pork chop" for the sheer humor I saw in it, but once she discovered the play can of olives, she had no interest in the pork chop. Actually, she really isn't much of a carnivore, so even in a pretend plastic form, a pork chop holds very minimal appeal to Al.

Caroline was also as cute as ever!

I just came home and had my heart in my throat as I clamored my way up my ice rink stairs.

New England sucks. I have to get out!


Mo said...


Linens n Things is having a huge clearance sale-50% off most in the store including FLANNEL sheets! I bought some last night and they're awesome! Even if you don't use them in can wrap your appendages in the pillowcases for your walks:) Just another frigging freezing concerned New Englander...doing her best to cope when all she wants to do is MOVE SOUTH!!

JoviFan said...

Reesie...New England sucks. Let's move south RIGHT NOW! Is it true that they are making flannel sheets much softer now?

JoviFan said...

Reesie...New England sucks. Let's move south RIGHT NOW! Is it true that they are making flannel sheets much softer now?

Juanita said...

Forget flannel sheets! You haven't lived until you have an electric blanket, cranked up to HIGH. It preheats your bed to a delightful level of coziness, at which point you jump in and stay there. I am tempted to brag about our 70-degree weather today, but I fear divine retribution in the form on 12" of snow and 50mph winds.

JoviFan said...

The only danger with the electric blanket is that I can't cuddle up with a six pack of Hacker-Pschorr without fearing electrocution.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I love the Florida life style. Don't get me wrong, it gets freezing here too early in the morning and when the sun goes down. However, during the day, very nice. I was in a tank top raking leaves today in my yard!

JoviFan said...