Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Loooooooong Day!

Is it sad that I'm seeking relaxation in a bottle of hooch? Would it be a little classier if I said I were seekign relaxation in a small glass of Smoking Loon Chardonnay? Good, because that is just what I'm doing. Don't get me wrong, if I could drink any more than one small glass of wine without getting completely smashed or violently hung over, I'd be diving in and looking for the very bottom of this bottle. But that is not the case. Too much wine is not something I ever care to experience again. I've been there once in my life. Two words...NEVER AGAIN.

I am exhausted. I left my place at just before 7 this morning and I got home around a half hour ago, at 9:30 in the evening. I had school (naturally), the gym (naturally) and I had to pick up a few things in Harvard Square. I was significantly sidelined in my travels throughout the Somerville/Cambridge area by periods of downpours of absolute sheets of rain. But, I perservered and accomplished the tasks that needed accomplishing.

I had a meeting for work tonight. This is unusual for a teacher. The meeting was supposed to start at 8, but was delayed, and did not start until 9. I was there as a support for my boss, and was justifiably flustered when the School Committee people insisted that I come forward and sit at the presentation table with her, rather than remain comfortably tucked in the back of the room as had been my strong preference.

I was post-gym, no makeup, exhausted and just generally out way past my bed time. I hesitantly stepped up next to my boss and took my place at the presentation area and helped her field questions from people who, although they serve on the School Committee, sadly know very little about education. My boss, who I like tremendously on both a professional and personal level, was glad of having me there, so suddenly the bags under the eyes and the lack of makeup didn't seem so bad.

But, I'm home now, finishing up a glass of Smoking Loon Chardonnay and getting ready to get into a hot shower, then hit the hay with a good book!

I highly recommend Smoking Loon Chardonnay. It is DELISHH!!!!

Oh, by the way, I walked to the gym after work. The temperatures were very mild today, around 50 degrees. Normally, I would relish the 25 minute walk in such balmy weather. Today, however, it was POURING out, and I was soaked to the bone withing minutes. When I arrived at the gym, I tried desperately to hang my jeans out in such a way as to make them dry while I worked out. I realized that confined in a locker, there was little chance they would become completely dry.

Do any of you have any idea of how unpleasant it is to dress up in soaking wet corduroys following a nice hot, post-workout shower? No? Didn't think so!

The pants dried in the nick of time to get re-soaked by the next of the violent spurts of torrential rain!

Yes, I did have to sit through the meeting with soaking wet pants.

Oh, and I also have to assemble a raffle basket for the 7th grade class. I collected 50 dollars from the kids, and they decided on a "candy" theme. So, in addition to carrying around my soaking wet husk of an exhausted bod all day long, I also had about 4 grocery shopping bags full of candy!

I am soooooooooo glad to be home and I deserve this wine, BITCHES!!


Juanita said...

Horrible!!! I feel for you. But just think of all the brownie-points you amassed tonight. Watch out, you may be nominated for vice-principal posthaste!

Anonymous said...

We did our basket this past October and did a fiesta. It was very cool. There was a candy basket there, some kid bought it for like $12. (silent auction) sadly enough the basket cost $30 or so dollars to make. Oh well, the cheap kid was in his glory! I just hope he was a Jehovah Witness who wasn't going to get candy for trick or treating.